One thing?
How about a million
All at once
With plates spinning on sticks
Balancing on a seal's nose
Balancing on one fin
It's inherently me
Where nothing catches for too long
Tacky but not sticky
Arms of Vishnu
With pens and pencils and gadgets and toys
And nothing against you
Your modus operandi
Really digging in
Until you hit gold
Or water
Or whichever come first
Me, I just like the strata
And when i've seen enough
I like to climb out
Not as much fun as getting myself in
But soon enough I find somewhere else to dig
Most of the time I start back where I left off
At some previous spot
With renewed vigor
And nostalgia on my side
This should not threaten our way of life
Nor should you internalize too much
These are personal reflections
And do not reflect
The nature of our arrangement
Or the opinions of our sponsors
A two legged dog can run
Just can't stop
Without a soft landing
How about a million
All at once
With plates spinning on sticks
Balancing on a seal's nose
Balancing on one fin
It's inherently me
Where nothing catches for too long
Tacky but not sticky
Arms of Vishnu
With pens and pencils and gadgets and toys
And nothing against you
Your modus operandi
Really digging in
Until you hit gold
Or water
Or whichever come first
Me, I just like the strata
And when i've seen enough
I like to climb out
Not as much fun as getting myself in
But soon enough I find somewhere else to dig
Most of the time I start back where I left off
At some previous spot
With renewed vigor
And nostalgia on my side
This should not threaten our way of life
Nor should you internalize too much
These are personal reflections
And do not reflect
The nature of our arrangement
Or the opinions of our sponsors
A two legged dog can run
Just can't stop
Without a soft landing