Young Fingers

Young fingers
Ripe with moisture

Mirrors everywhere
Studying nothing
Zooming retinas
Holding docile poses
Remedying the boss’s woes
With sprite angles
And carefully timed distraction

Humble beginnings
Friend of dad's
Suggestion from councellor
Assistant to an assistant
Not making waves
Permitted to speak
Present fresh perspective
Leave an impression

Doting won't do it
Charming but heavy
Dark in the cellar
120 on the weekends
Tweezing the eyebrows
Picking the scabs
Crying at doctors
Bringing together

Lost as an island
Tool chest and bellies
Hockey and strobe lights
Lexus in the shop
Drop off at salon
Meet the girls for coffee
He doesn't either
They all still want it
Even though it's winter
And well past its prime

Silent morning hours
Used to feel empty
Now there's no breath
It's one thing after another
Never look back
It's dark in the cellar
Smile for pictures
Close to halfway
Never make waves
Just pushing buttons

They're tiny and cute
Like little spring fingers
10 more just like them
Just down the hall
It helps to let go
Breaking the mirrors
Singing the same songs
Embarrassed at pitch
But finally honest
