
This morning in the shower
I thought about all the roads
Leading to Hell, Michigan
I thought about sucking thoughts back into the body
Ones that may have escaped into the universe
I thought about youth

The older you get
The more youth there is around you
No one tells you that
It should come naturally
I guess
But not for me
The mathematical principle involved
Is so simple
Yet so powerful
Now it seems that almost half the world I see
Is younger than me
That may be a bit dramatic
But it's close

On the train today
A woman laughed
Taking notice of what a hard time I was having
Getting myself positioned
In the particular fashion
Which I prefer
For the outsider
A methodical mess
Which sounds about right

Some days I could stay in bed forever
Some days I want to hug my wife so tight
That only our breathing gets in the way
Some days the mornings look better
Without any lighting
Except the gray air getting tossed about
