
Gleaning among cohorts
Our poured and pounded slave
Finds solace in shade
Criss-crossing our path
The image traced on every friendly place
And some with gates

Past the watery quake
Gases rise on a hot day
The squeaky sound that a shake can make
A jostle in full bloom
Among the garden of parts that make up the frame
Manly and twisted
Sinewy and caked
Take two parts motor oil
One part hearth
And bake

Delivering goods
It could look like the other way around
In a certain light of day
Our slaves as captor
Faces carved with dismay
Barely dragging
For fear of stopping

Our well fed
And maintained
Containers in good company
Appear to find strength in our decay
Never letting on
That our way
Or the highway
Is a game they taught us to play
From first glint
When minerals bled from clay
Lured by sparks and forks
When simple stone can filet

And now we keep their time
Fiddle with their issues
And lay down sacrifices to their gods
Speed and Conduct
Forgetting the beast and bugs
Now fenced and perched
Sometimes praying for solace
In what we call
Easier times
Before we dropped dimes
And collapsed mines
