Rubbing joint against joint
Pressing orb against knob
Dog against stove
Hand against plan
Will never solve the clobber
A special club
Widdled down
The likes of these members
Seen only in snuff
Smut, desire, lacquer, grain
All at once
The creased corner of a newspaper
Greasy with distraction
All carbon and ash
Kindling, dry and weightless
And then the numbers:
Up and down
Plus, minus, dash
No signs of stopping
Like a great push
From a mighty oar
We fumble for our jackets
Because of Shark Week
or Titanic
Inside the sticky jam jar
Sweet with mold and golden flake
Wrapping text around anything without a groove
Using that which has stewed
Whether pea or papaya
It's only a matter
The things that make cringe:
Perfume covering rot
From bowl to hole
and back to bowl
Keep pre occupied
While the suction fails to answer
besides pressure
Keeps cache core packets
From stacking viciously
We trust the things that don't breathe
Shame on blood and cavities
For making such a moving mess
While a blanket sleeps over the cancer
Deciding when to strike
In fuzzy chokehold
Wrapping, tying, binding
For lack of a better closure
Little teeth find catch
Scooting a wee bit at a time
So as to never give away the surprise
Guilt brings in a basket
A hand fashioned replica
Known to all as faith, sandwich, god