Fucking Meanderthals

I cancer tainly relate
It's the blinders I can't believe
How have you not gotten hit by a car yet?
Weaving in a slop motion tribute to algae
Fodder Fucking Fodder
Meat in my guts
I get the sloth; under stand
Breathe with ten pound weights
Jump with concrete socks
And we're at the top of our game!
Jersey toting
Disposable diaper pills
Licking bleachy folds
Sanitizing children from burdens
Wiping little greened noses
With paper pulp roses
I'd rather be fishing
Falsifying state documents
Plagiarizing myself
Over and over again
With lack of better for
Cancer tain
Enter train
So sloven
Everybody else is Lee
Like something
Resembling process
Without moving at all
Fucking Meanderthals
