When everything's a joke that's not funny
You may be getting a tummy tuck
Slender, sprucely and shucked
It's too much to give up
Just now
This once
You may be getting a tummy tuck
Slender, sprucely and shucked
It's too much to give up
Just now
This once
When everyone around you is swimming in jelly
You may want to find the ticking
Tender, juicy and succulent
Adjectives for chicken
Anything cheaply made and bought
Not what we're used to
Not something we aught to
In collaboration with fame and custom made
You may be overlooked for promotion
"Send her a Bruce Lee mug and some luck"
We still worship you with devotion
So long as it's pieced together right
Only we can't pay
Not in rice or pasta
Not today
When charities are born like beehives
You should take stock of your honey
When it's muesli covered in suck
It's no wonder you can't stop pretending
It's the only thing left worthy of defending
There's a board
With your name on it
You're thinning out