When your shoes are uncomfortable
And your guests are uncomfortable
It's going to be the best day ever
When your guts ache
And your job is growing a tumor
You stand the chance
Of beating some incredible odds
When the Spanish is loud
And the cologne is strong
And the lies penetrate like Lyme's Disease
You are on the path of the righteous
If the sneezing makes you curdle
And make up doesn't help
Not anyone
Not from avoiding being compared to hippo
And woolly mammoth
Something might be stuck to your shoe
If the word "Jamaica"
sounds very much like "painting"
Or perhaps "tantric"
Or even "communion"
Use the emergency exit
Push the glass out
With your uncomfortable shoes
And prepare to roll
Shoulder rolls are probably the safest
And easiest
But hippos and mammoth are goofy
And often whatever way the world throws you
Is the best way
The safest way
The funniest to look at in slow motion
If you are thinking about Niagara Falls
And wooden barrels
You may friends
In high places
With lots of cologne
And the propensity
To breathe heavy
Bottom sludgy type stuff
Peat mossy