Stuck In Not Yours

There is a crap trap
A body odor corner
A funky give up zone
Living here soon
Drink milk
Let go of green excretions
Better than Michael Olatuja
Not as good as Issac Hayes
Sensing the distraction
Not directly
Moving for rest
Story brain break
Weave the tale
Tell it
Keep going
Recess like it used to be
Holding magnifying glass to ant
In Miami
Where the sun can replicate
So it is said
Strange to be on love
And old fashioned
Lime Rickey or
Soda and bitters or
Good old milk
With anything
Zylophonish chimes
Closing the argument
Whole family moving
For a change
Don't shake the baby
Shake the tambourine
Flood the evening with love
Or really salty food
Couches and television
Ice cream
Milky down time
Silky back beat
Release all prisoners
Into ocean


Erin Davis said…
Loved the way the rhythm of this poem picked me up and carried me!
Enri Zoltz said…
Thanks you guys! This was actually a "cheat" in my general OCD commitment to this project. I actually wrote this one on the way FROM work instead of on the way TO work. I never do that, but I drove into the city with my wife that morning and couldn't bare to let go of a day. Train is train, as far as I am concerned. But, I do like to consistency of writing at the same time each day. Anyway, maybe I will try some afternoon poems and see where they take me.