Making a case
For love let's say
Finding a road
Gone down before
But to be found again
Perhaps countless times
Kicking leaves to the side
Only to be drawn back
By the scurrying tailwind
On the heels
so secretively behind
For love let's say
Finding a road
Gone down before
But to be found again
Perhaps countless times
Kicking leaves to the side
Only to be drawn back
By the scurrying tailwind
On the heels
so secretively behind
Supplying the world
With a map
Would be fruitless
Looking more like
Topography of the brain
Valleys and rivers
and Cellulose-like
Interstellar and unflagged
This is the road to love
But allowing the road to present itself
Unfolding in front
Like so many pebbles
Into infinitude
Opening up like a holy sunrise
In the deep rasp of Gabriel
With smoke and pepper in his throat
Paths to the left and right
Melting away
As secondary
All things being
Other than a drive
through the country
With your lover
And no particular place
to be