4 Untold Nights Like These

Likened to KC Masterpiece
Rung rosy
All the connections finding their way
Into steamed rooms
That never existed
Those chambers white washed
Upon dawn's early yearning
Burning toast
Beans from Guatemala
Just underdone
On purpose
That is what might be lacking -
green beans
Left to ferment
Into paste
For someone who can stomach the taste
The palate impure
Rustic even -
but allowable
So long as it does not make succession
a statue's erection
In honor and objection
Subject predicate verb

We are one
We are not one
Not unique
Likened to Kraft's KC Masterpiece
M. Night Sham
Knight shaman
All this protection
When interjecting our spray
Vehemently playful
On the eve of destruction
Cantors hiding in cellars
Just under foot
and rightfully so
So joyfully bathed in your grace
The tablet unscored
Underscored and graded poorly
Bard or ward
but never warden
Begging pardon
In spectrum and selection
Object predicated deception
Adjective magic trick
