(Got Me Working) Working Day and Night

In my Amish painting
The buggy has a broken wheel
The trees still look beautiful
The farmhouse still purposeful
But confusion arises
Detach the horse
Or come back with twice the supplies
My painting does not have a spare buggy at home

In my kidnapper's handbook
It says to let the woman go
Keep the man
He'll find the money eventually
She will be better on the outside
Shell shocked
It doesn't mention torture boxes
That was passed down
The secondary torture can be made up
As things progress
My handbook has no guarantee

Return to Lancaster:
Landscape of man
Landscape of god
Like sections of the Bodies exhibit
All things are familiar
Reflecting the patterns of nature
The steady brushstroke of god
Painting cancer and diesel generators
In meticulous succession
Like that very hand with two thumbs
In god's image
But not exactly
Every good god keeps a really cool trick
As an encore
Or just to hide in a vault
Post mortem

In the handbook:
Blindfolds always maintain fear
Voices positioned in different directions
Giving depth and adding confusion
Do not give away dimensions
By sticking to the edges
Stay close
Within fifteen feet
Ask questions that can not be answered
What is the square root of evil
Punish for that
This will aid later on by securing your position
This place
These moments
