Great spots
Some found
Others created
Meet there
Some found
Others created
Meet there
Trade ideas
Welcome eureka
Formulate connections
Reproduce path
Imbibe chemicals
Good coffee
Tasty booze
Utilize impact
Seize days
Timely manner
Just count
Anything countable
Family crests
Came gone
Like actors
Versus writers
Host celebrity
Living breathing
Average human
Monotonous repeater
But books
Scribes alone
Keep track
Make history
Those stories
Happened accordingly
Always different
When lived
Conscious observer
Pummels space
With signals
Imitating man
The day
Is long
For ants
Not stars
Most scribes
Prefer stars
Celebrities liken
Ant populations
Ad nauseum
Ant farm
Stray climber
Seeks sunshine
Routing changed
Mob diminished
By one
Reveling alone
Silver screen
Los Angeles
Grass blade
Aim high
Patient scribe
Look up
Sumptuous ether
Always there