Field dressed patience
Patched and slapped happily
A low fi hum sizzling past
Summer says it's crackle
Patched and slapped happily
A low fi hum sizzling past
Summer says it's crackle
Ankles may snap
When the verdict comes riding in
On fiery steed stick
A no legged candidate for best friend
Meeting new trees and grasses
Taking note of how the airy acids make a medley
Tossed around like salad dressing on loose rags
And layered across the roast beef sunset
There were bugs that dug horns
A finely tartuffed mist dispersed
Somewhere else on some other lawnism
Not in a backyard where Haitian poetics mash
For about three minutes at a clip
Full court press passes zone defensive attention
Funneling toward the magnetic lifts
That separate stilts from those spinning satellite receivers