Great good
Better than greater good
Great good is pure goodness
Through and through
There are little flecks of great
Inside the gooey good
It's delicious; and, good
Great god
Better than regular god
Same as great god almighty
But more concise
Great god in heaven is also the same
Used in the right situation
All longer forms are acceptable
Great god is the good god
Only better
Great Neck
Better than good neck
Bigger than little neck
If that place even exists
Great Neck is a place
And, it must be really really good
Great news!
All is well, but better
Better than plain wellness
Thriving news, overabundantly good news -
Only greater --
Small, typical news can be good
Big news can be bad news
But, great news
Trumps all news
If perspective is insulated
From big, bad news
If not, we ask great god to bring great news and save our great necks
Otherwise, it's all good news, bad news, small necks;
Good god in soul songs
Some of the greatest songs there are
Better than greater good
Great good is pure goodness
Through and through
There are little flecks of great
Inside the gooey good
It's delicious; and, good
Great god
Better than regular god
Same as great god almighty
But more concise
Great god in heaven is also the same
Used in the right situation
All longer forms are acceptable
Great god is the good god
Only better
Great Neck
Better than good neck
Bigger than little neck
If that place even exists
Great Neck is a place
And, it must be really really good
Great news!
All is well, but better
Better than plain wellness
Thriving news, overabundantly good news -
Only greater --
Small, typical news can be good
Big news can be bad news
But, great news
Trumps all news
If perspective is insulated
From big, bad news
If not, we ask great god to bring great news and save our great necks
Otherwise, it's all good news, bad news, small necks;
Good god in soul songs
Some of the greatest songs there are