Knowing very little
I am likely to crap
But not nearly as turd
As you might
Not knowing anything about:
Codecs, encoding, compression, capsulation (shit)
I am likely to crap
But not nearly as turd
As you might
Not knowing anything about:
Codecs, encoding, compression, capsulation (shit)
There is friendly banter re: this
On forums, more importantly
How far into computer world
Can you go
Without stepping in porn poop
Posed as a statement, question without identifying marks; syntax
Not as important anymore as one might think anymore as one travels anymore as one vessel comprised of reasons and resources (doo doo)
Knowing less about zeros and ones
Than programmer guy sitting in Starbucks drinking diarrhea
But, knowing I poo poo have good raw data to process
Can find ways and means
Along way to:
Figure, firmware, bitrate, capitulate, articulate, go to bathroom, levitate, evacuate, symbolically waste, find truth in numbers, truth in fiction, fact in fiction, face in stink, prostrate, curled, finalized