Music for Kids

Candy in cups
Foreign ministries
Pump oxygen
and push pops
Stuffed bears
Cross their heart
Hope for diamonds

Heads of industry
Ride horses
Become burdened
with extra lumps
and flags
Smile injudiciously
Leave scuffs
Become bone dry
Sew face
Save candy coins

Dogs holler back
The streets green
with night vision
Vermin on string
Clipped nails
Manicured statements
about welfare
and fair ways
and state fairs
and fair weather friends
All the balls dancing
Above sidewalks
No fancy events
The alleys are worse
It's where gummy worms
make gummy maggots
into gummy soil

Holloween is
Just around the corner
Kids will dress up
Trace the perimeter
with stealthy feet
Not yet slick enough
To create damage
But with potential
For all the world
is a stage four
cancer ward
And there is candy
in the drawer
It is locked
