Gone down to Israel land

Gone down to Israel land
Way down to Jerusalem town
Found my sneakers caked with mud
All for a romp with a true half-blood
Papa was an oil man
Mama was a veteran
Doing things the best I can
But things just seem to be puttering

Gone down to Israel land
Way down to Jerusalem town
Gonna feed some fool a bottle of air
Warmed by the sun just a mile from here
Gonna strip my sheets
Gonna sin anew
Gonna gamble, drink, pilfer and screw
Just to name a few

Gone down to Israel land
Way down to Jerusalem town
Half the time I spent here
I wanted more time in the water
Leaving my half-blood now
To have a little quarter
Have a last night first, love
Even though it's out of order

Gone down to Israel land
Way down to Jerusalem town
Found my flint rock and slingshot
Hid it inside a cake
I'm not binding anymore
There's a peace I gotta make
Just a last rite to right
Just a past strike to straight

Gone down to Israel land
Way down to Jerusalem town
Tore out an ad for stationary
Wrote down my thoughts in the bath
May be my last walk ever
I prayed for my quarter and half
I'm feeling we're all the better for this
Even though it changes their path

Gone down to Israel land
Way down to Jerusalem town
Found my true calling on the rock
I ate manna and drank the rain
I drafted a final writ and plan
I bloodied my eye with flame
I'm going to be a beggar man
Up on the mountain of Cain
