Track Jumpers

Adding a stop
Because of a fatality
Sounds like a video game
Mortal Combat, to be specific

I remember
Being a kid and playing games
In an arcade, of all things
Before home entertainment broke through

There was a smell
Gummy smoke and kid sweat, with mold
It was likely spilled soda
And old air filters needing a bath

It was tomb like
A cavern of angled windshields
He who could tilt Twilight Zone
Would, no doubt, receive arcade knighthood

Sometimes a fluke
You would walk into the arcade
With a few singles to spend
And dethrone first-place on your first go

That would be why
You might try out Mortal Combat
A game built for younger noobs
Combinations replacing finesse

I still play games
Words With Friends more specifically
I play against some old friends
Some held Twilight Zone high scores for weeks

I play en route
To work or on the train ride home
When there's a fatality
I have a few more minutes to play
