We are next and final

Pleas into the atmosphere

We cry so long -- it sounds like garbage trucks

Everyone looks like Beyoncé

And autocorrect recognizes that as a word, with an accent and a capital B

Even you sir

With your beard and thermos

You are Beyoncé 

I didn't even have to capitalize that 

It just did it for me

Watches stop in the tunnel

Why wouldn't they? 

Your world is at a standstill

Hickory Dickory

Mickey and Minnie

All of a sudden

The entire world under your feet

Is eating your refuse

Everything you flush down the toilet

Everything that drips down the sink

You say they drink it?

Ok, we can come together on the word


Because we are reasonable

We are writing a manuscript

On how to get along

We are losing


Of course it's a game!

We can piece this together

With the rain

And the foreign ministers

And brandy

Lots of brandy
