Middle Earth, Old Amsterdam

As the night folded itself in wet pastry
We conquered fears of discussing net worth
Joyfully celebrated the well composed plate
Relatives and friends meeting in the middle
Middle of all that exists above the caverns
All that ever was, in a cave with beer on tap
Above giant sequestering holes
Holes that lead to open spaces
Beyond the chaos
Of adding and subtracting
Goods and payments
Fragments relayed for effect
The prettiest things grow old and ugly
So we talk around them in circles
And hiss with curses drafted in jest
A lemon ledger could bind us to these statements
But we're young
And subject to public nuisance
And these are the polite days
Daggers painted pink
And shaped like angels
A floral arrangement of disappointment
Hosting the first ever major let down
So we announce our departure
And just a block away
There is a passage
Leading to the silver dinosaurs
Massive rows of these hefty behemoths
That move as if pumped with lightning
And fed fire
Nowadays we thank the hands that vanished
Only wanting to be involved
Touching the immortal
Or as close as we'll ever know
