
Phase fizzler
Melting like suit on stockbroker
Money market flapjacks
Syrupy smarm
Poured over a pat of charm
I want to do them harm

Fad flipper
Take any occasion
Lights, camera, bacon
Never quite giving back what we've taken
I'm shaken

Trend bender
Beating the rush
Buffet buster starting with the custard
Matching jello annuities with ease
Equal opportunity blender
Gastro repeating offender

Hot commod
Steaming commode commodore
The adore deal or no deal rouse and belt
Lacerating purple jam scam
Idle handed lascivious cram
It takes a village planner to turn pig to ham


To get the best results from Beano -- whether you're a brand-new or loyal user -- follow these simple guidelines.

Step 1: Choose the formulation for you

If you take vitamins every day, you may find Beano tablets easy to use. They can be chewed or swallowed, or crumbled onto your food.

But if tablets can be uncomfortable for you, you may prefer Beano liquid. The liquid has a dropper that lets you measure out your dose and add it to the food on your plate.

Step 2: Use Beano with the right food

Be prepared -- take Beano with you when you go out. You never know when you might need it.

Adding Beano to foods while they're cooking reduces its effectiveness and is not recommended.

Step 3:Use Beano at the right time

If a meal includes Beano Foods, don't take chances. Plan to take Beano with your first bite. If you take it later in your meal, it may not have enough time to work.

Step 4: Use the right amount of Beano

Size up the amount of Beano food(s) on your plate. A ½-cup serving is about half the size of a baseball.

For each ½-cup serving of a Beano food, you should take 1 Beano tablet or 5 drops of Beano liquid.

Since a typical serving size at a meal is 1 to 1½ cups of food, a good rule of thumb is to take 2-3 Beano tablets, or 10-15 Beano drops, when you eat.

Make your best estimate, and take more tablets or drops as needed.

Step 5: Use Beano for the right problem

Beano helps prevent stomach gas caused by Beano Foods. The most common symptoms of gas are passing gas, stomach bloating and stomach pain. Only Beano contains a natural enzyme that works with your body's digestion. It breaks down complex sugars into simpler sugars, which your body can easily digest, thereby preventing gas before it starts.

Step 6: Enjoy your healthy meal

After enjoying a healthy meal with Beano's help, you should be free of the digestive upsets that may have bothered you in the past after eating certain foods.