back back down down

In a bent back action
Reliving splintered downgression
Floating in dream
Only combining what is necessary
Eventually all is required
Just to breathe
An attempt at harmony
With two altos
And a bass
A vision of some blessed virgin sleep
Laying down a resting tomb
And perfect tone
Deliberate and pillowy
Full of sail and silent fullfilment
Even with everything building up
Up and up and up and up
And still so dreary and down
Leaving brown and orange tracks
Rings of reaching waves
Fingers and shoreline
Being pulled by whatever spins faster
A bigger charge
Would knock it down for good
Better or worse
The angels know it doesn't matter
It's just matter
Filthy to begin with
And festering in futility
Festivities surround the events
Based on time and circles
Leasing patience
At an enormous price
Planting feet
For lack of hands
And dressing them with balsam
