Doctor Visit

You can put on the gown now
Blah blah blah
Both sides
Blah blah blah
Probably not tuberculosis
Blah blah
Blah blah
One ten over sixty
Blah blah
Lance Armstrong
Check monthly
Comes out of nowhere

In the car
I scorn myself
For a lack of vision
Or more accurately
For decisions I carelessly made
Not knowing that I might want more time
Once a mate was found
I declare myself to not be a burden
Better to enjoy the moments past
In a quick review
Enjoy what's left and leave no pressure
Do no harm
Don't panic
Pain will bring peace
For all

Walking to the train
I am reminded
That by leaving behind a child
In my partner's womb
I have done my job
However futile
All my other efforts
They can cry together
Or at different times
Knowing there is a reason
