New Kids On Blocks

These same lines are driving rifts
Scratches on the surface
Seen from as far as most will go
Broken into and smoothed out
Will serve as courier and branding
Slight variations
Taking one to get to another
Taking that one
To some thin deposit
Like so many fingers on a river
Ending in some muddy bank
Here and there thrown into the dirt
Little caves and holes and caverns
The same holds true
For the neat display
One leading to another
Making such complete sense
That it numbs the cortex
Rubbing some fragment
That falls out of place
Every now and again
Massaging it down to size
Where scratches can be seen
Artistic attributes thrown on hot tar
Sculpted, pristine, managed
The chemicals working their magic
Making creatures with blood
Want to bleed
Multiplying and spreading out
Down the left arm of main
Where the ring finger touches silt
Pokes a divot into what will give way
Never naming it
When it's attached to the grid
Massage, rub
When it's connected
To the center
The chemicals coursing
Little sticky bumps
Making every hole grow
Every cavern become
More cavernous
Making small divots seal up
Traversing across fingers
Like coin slight magician hand
Hiding in sleeve
Moving toward center heart
Moving toward something big
Something grand
Something cool and supple
Less scratchy
Pretty from so far up
