Becoming Anything

Turning anything
Screws, pages, tricks
It's like having a gun
A wisecracker once said
Filling void
Slosh, stir, streak
The same night
Over and over again

Becoming entity
Youth must go
Banging into things
Be easy
Go easy
Man in pink shirt
Tread lightly
Man who has not done push-ups in a very long time
Skydiving is plummeting
Depending on whom you ask
Levity is levitating
And so on and so forth
For so many
It is irrational and irrelevant
But to be iridescent
That's a bit of magic

You are, is to say being as in, to be
And. a being does that well or as close to well
And can be seen from space
Twinkle, shuttle, fleeting
And so many evil eyes
Penetrating the flat foreground
It's easy to draw
Doesn't make it right
Just easy
To explain, document, capture
Silty walls with the play by play

for kids and adults nearing the end
It's a surprise or a hit record
Or a perfectly called game
A flight pattern
that looks more like a blanket
Yarn as string
fuzz, loose, fragmented
But all geometric perfect
All windows facing God
All science ingested
Purposeful, unrelenting, genuine
