Matryoshkerly Redundancism

As gangly as a gangle
Those toely totems
Painted all sharpedly like so many
Shovedly shoved into and on top of
One another
As anotherly other as otherlies get

All the while wrappedly wrapped
In a blankety blanketdom
From headiness to youknowwhatness
In a buttness of finishers smoky choke
All meandery and tarishly infused
After a few momenty minutes
My sensories refusingly ceased to be reporty
Leaving all supportedly detaily bits
To fall by the waysidey side of unnoticedom

With the hairs on my napey neck
Standingly upward and robusterly
Thenly falling outwardly ontoish
And my deciduously delicious appleness
Making thundery clap crackles
Evenmoresoly spraying an occassionalish spray
Of sugary juiceness this and that way
I am just as eyesorish
Obtrusively rutheless
As anyone's anyonelyness on this
Very transporty
Cabinly cabin
A straphangers strapiness
Is the scrapmongers scrappiness
And so all the hangerness, mongerness: all of the noticedom
Is takenish or lefterly
As standardisms of commutery
The all of us aloof as poof
That trailingly swatcher
Followingly in byproductionish paradery
And in goodish behavioury
