
Remember when brackets went crazy?
Or rather we went crazy for brackets?
People were putting all decisions and historical occurrences and potential events into brackets for all the world to see?
The following poem has nothing to do with brackets:

I was checking scores [not brackets]
and I stumbled across a beautiful poem
It was actually poems inside a poem [again, not brackets]
The delivery system was so sexy
It was also empowering and feisty
Full of itself in a really good way
And not afraid to poke holes in any notions of what poems have already played out [not bracketed]

After that, I had a sip of coffee
and wrestled with the thought
of spending a dollar thirty on a bagel
I could just make due
I have strawberries [no brackets up ahead]
and some protein powder
But I just realized I have nothing to mix it with
Which also means nothing to put in my coffee
Unless I make off with some sugar packets when I stop to get that bagel which is now the obvious solution
There was a day
When this could be entered into a bracket [sorry for the lack of a warning; that was a bracket reference]
To come up with both the most likely scenario and the one that should occur naturally
These decisions are not made lightly
They involve income and family expenses
They involve no reference to poetry, poems within poems or poets from Fort Wayne, Indiana
