Tackle Ready

When the storm comes
It's elbows out
Hands in front of chest
Tackle ready
Like summoning the oracle
Or representing Jay-Z
All signs stolen from the Hebrews
All Jewish mysticism borrowed from Islam and other nearby tribes
All those tribes owing homage to Jay-Z
And the storm circles the Northeast region of the United States
Elsewhere they will get ready for the meteor strike
Or sighting
I can't remember
It will be cold here
With our own worries at hand
We can not be bothered by your rapes in India or the Dalits in general
Unless that is where the meteor is not hitting
And then
We ask that you take us in
We are used to much more comfortable situations
So excuse us for the way our faces crinkle up
We do not even realize that our eyes squint at you
Our mouth sours
We get cold sores
And canker sores
Just from the stress of the grocery parking lot traffic
But inside deeply
Where our inner galaxy turns out a ruptured tune
The star music pulls at strings for you
The rocks of ice spin furiously
Making rounds and ellipses
Due to the gravity of the situation
And the push of dark matter
Leaving us speechless
Suspended in midair
