Animal Sounds

Animal sounds
Like gurgling in the brook
But brook is back of the throat
Animal sounds like bacon sizzle
Animal sounds
Patient recreation
Ammunition in waiting
A demonstration of will
A festival of the willing
No shillings exchanged
Animal sounds
A perfect simulation
Dreamt up in technicolor
Waxing the melt
Animal sounds like forced air
A perfect resounding "yes"
In Animal languages
Those basic tenets
Like a tent ripped open
For goodies
Animal sounds munching
Capitol buildings
Not an issue
Munch them too
Right like rain
A deviant source of pride
Just for price of admission
Animal sounds
Animal sounds
Procured and pronounced
For babies and barnyards
Animal sounds
A real tit for tat
Animal sounds
Personal bests
A dream of another intent
Animal sounds
Nouns and verbal bridges
Built on uncontrollable urges
A turning point
For Antibodies
Anything gone to pot
Or beginning to go round
Animal Sounds
