Cartoon Beds

Golden jar sounds like porn
Like jade gate
Or goodie bag

The beauty and surprise
Playing down anticipation
Not for everyone

Your Jewish dad might bring hookers
Maybe check in with your friends
Make sure they don't think it's weird

But all this is to relieve the stress
Associated with the first time
Not blowing it too quickly

There is something inherently paradoxical
About being a man before becoming a man
It's not enough to push back

There is still the gentle caress
The playful sharing
A sensitivity necessary

Other times you will just bombard
Like an eagle from high
Puffing up and adjusting afterwards

Nothing new in the court of love
There are deep journals
Voluminous pursuits

After all this you still have to talk
Never truly believing what words make
Of such an unspeakable act

Then looking around at the kingdom
Feeling a peaceful part
Knowing there are beasts in shadows
