Should be in by ten
If you get there first
Find a nice corner
To bury yourself in
And try to make your head
The shape of a triangle
It always helps me
Should you beat me to the office
Feel free to set the place on fire
Not that I would be brave enough
To ever do the same
And not that I wouldn't miss my personal computer
I would
But it would amaze me
And fill me with a sense of new beginnings
Those cannot be bought or sold
But hot air balloon rides can be
So can white water rafting trips
And treetop zip-line adventures
You must still bring your own new beginning
When you arrive
Put down your stuff
Get comfortable in your surroundings
And then scream at the top of your lungs
When security comes
Tell them you saw a mouse
That's what I would do
Although I am afraid of what kinds of chemicals
Or contraptions
They might put at my feet
That which can kill a mouse
Can certainly injure a like-minded subject
By the time you don't read this
I will have eaten an apple
And forgotten about the terrible things
That wait for me
They are not so terrible
As they are terrifying
Growing old
A life without purpose
And being trapped
So long as I make it in to work
I will be ok
Feel free to call me on my cell should you need anything before ten
Can't explain why, but..