When It's Good

When it's good
No one can see your eyes
And you have all the room in the world

This morning
The hounds of hell
Traced a gothic image of their likeness
In my head

The morning news anchor
Did a fine job with her interview
And I was happy for her
As she was a childhood friend to my wife

When it's good
My wife isn't waiting for me in the car
Honking the horn in her head
And there are cookies for my boss

I can wear something other than black
And the temperature is cool on the skin
But not too cool
Just soothing

Most of the time
Sitting near a bathroom would bother me
But today
It's alright

My friend has perished on a reality television show
And I'm alright with that, too
It's the overwhelming thought of tackling new programming
That has me concerned

Lucky for me
On a good day
I don't have to flex my muscles
Or cut my nails
If I don't want to
And sitting next to an advertisement of someone who does
Allows me to identify

Where my ancestors failed me
Is all that I have
And their pursuit
Is all there is
I thank the chain
And bless the pattern
And recognize smallness
And speak in tongues
On a good day
