
Only an academic
I said
Would wait a year before publishing
Taking their work so seriously
As to place so many weights atop
Surrounding their work in coarse salt
Like gravlax

Then, I thought
Perhaps I have it all wrong
Perhaps it is the common man
Mired in the day to day
Earning a living making things for others
Toiling in the mundane
Maybe this man must wait
Plot and pause
And wait some more
Before releasing into the world
His first paper borne child
That deliverance that might be
His only stone to load

Perhaps the academic day
Is not the day I imagine
Sun drenched walks on campus
Bike rides to the book store
Time to inspect and appreciate
A lemon on a sill
Or ants on a tree
Their boat is likely crowded behind forty others
With a faint view of the inlet
And no signs as to when
Or how
Open waters will be tried
Much less
Perhaps I spoke too soon
Sitting on a rush hour train
Thinking of salmon
2 of 4 final poems
